Save Money on Green Colored Pools

Save Money on Green Colored Pools

The pool is one of the areas in your home that requires daily care. Moreover, pools are usually neglected and the longer they are overlooked the dirtier they get. The reason why your pool is becoming green is the overgrowth of algae and there are three main causes of...
What You Need to Know About Salt Water Pools

What You Need to Know About Salt Water Pools

Salt water pools are often compared to the common chlorinate pool. If you are looking forward to installing one commercially or for personal use, there are a few special considerations for salt water pools you should have in mind. Read below to understand what you...
Why Your Pool Chemicals Need Proper Balancing

Why Your Pool Chemicals Need Proper Balancing

Keeping your pool water in balance is an essential step to ensure a healthy and safe environment. Although at first glance this may seem like a simple task that will be solved by using chlorine, you are wrong. One of the greatest mystery for pool owners is how to...
How to Pick a Pool Service Company?

How to Pick a Pool Service Company?

Having a swimming pool is definitely a great thing especially if you have children with whom you can spend time there and hang out without leaving the comfort of your home, but if you are tired of wiping down the tile, balancing water level, or skimming the surface,...