
Our Pool Services

NorCal Pool Service prides itself on offering a variety of services to keep your pool in top quality shape all year round. Whether you’re looking for a standard maintenance package, wanting your pool tiles cleaned, or are in need of a filter repair, our expert professionals are ready to take care of all of your service needs.

We provide clients with an array of packages and services to suit every need and budget. Our team members are experienced technicians trained to offer expert advice and professional level service. Keep reading to find out more about our different maintenance and repair services.

Pool Services

Hiring a professional swimming pool services company is essential to maintaining a pool that is clean and safe. With our team of highly trained technicians, you never have to worry if the water in your pool is clean or if the chemicals are balanced properly. Routine service gives you peace of mind that your pool is always safe to swim in.

Pool Maintenance

Our maintenance package ensures that your pool stays in quality condition for the long haul. Routine swimming pool maintenance can reduce the risk of costly repairs down the road. Weekly chemical testing, emptying of filter pump baskets, and thorough wall cleanings are the hallmarks of our weekly pool maintenance plans.

Pool Repair

If you should need a piece of pool equipment repaired, our team of experts can fix your pool problems quickly and at an affordable price. Not only do we provide regular pool equipment inspection, we also offer pool filter repair, pool pump repair and replacement, ground repair, and above ground pool repair.

Pool Tile Cleaning and Pool Tile Repair

At NorCal Pool Service, we use the most advanced equipment and cleaning techniques to get your pool sparkling again. Routine pool tile cleaning prevents the buildup of calcium, mold, mildew, and algae along the tile’s surface. Our pool technicians can also repair or replace cracked or chipped tiles. Tiles can be attached underwater through render patches using salvaged tiles you already have or ones sourced by our team.

Pool Equipment Installation

In addition to cleaning, repairs, and maintenance, our professional swimming pool services company also offers pool equipment installation. Our business is a certified Pentair Dealer and Warranty Station which allows us to provide state of the art equipment for all of our clients.

If you’re looking for professional pool services, call NorCal Pool Service today!

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